3 More Tips on How to Lose Weight and Tone Up

So yesterday we talked about 4 tips on how to lose weight.  Today, we will explore 3 additional tips on how to lose weight so that you have an arsenal going forward.  So, let’s get started and knock these out.

I really like these strategies on how to lose weight

how to lose weight

1. B Vitamins: These include B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6 (pyridoxine), B7 (biotin), and B12 (cobalamin).  Confusing, I know.  Just know that each is essential for overall health.  However, they are even more important when you’re trying to grow muscle and get stronger. B Vitamins play a role in everything from protein metabolism and energy production to maintaining healthy nerves and breaking down fat and carbs.

How much? This is a tricky one, as most people consume enough B through their diets, which are found in whole grains, eggs, lean meats, legumes, nuts, leafy greens, and fortified cereals.  And even so, if you’re trying to build muscle, you may still need an additional amount.

However, B12 is only found in animal sources, so vegetarians and vegans may want to consider taking a supplement.

2. Vitamin D: It seems no matter where you turn these days, everyone is touting the powers of the “sunshine” vitamin. And with good reason – its list of benefits includes boosting mood, immunity, and muscle. Vitamin D is required for muscular contraction, function, and growth.   This in turn is a great way of how to lose weight, since your increase in muscle will help burn fat more quickly.

And if you’re trying to tone up or build muscle, you want to be sure not to avoid this supplement.  It is essential for bone growth and strength, and since skeletal muscles need a strong base to build off of, you can’t neglect your D.

How much? The best way is to get some through the actual sun (yes, this means putting the remote down and actually walking outside). However, the alternative is to take a supplement of 4,000 to 6,000 (IU) of D3 every day.  If you’re not sure if you’re deficient or have questions, you can have you do a blood test to measure you D levels.

Awww, only one more way on how to lose weight?

how to lose weight

3. Vitamin E: A handful of almonds is a great way to get some Vitamin E.  If you grab some after a workout, it will provide you with protein, healthy fats, and fiber. This antioxidant helps cell membranes recover from stress, such as exercise.  And the faster your muscles recover, the faster they’ll grow.  And the faster it’ll help with how to lose weight.

How much? Don’t go overboard with this one.  A dose above 300 mg daily may lead to nausea, stomach pain, weakness, or even death! If you have any issues, simply stick closer to the recommended 15 mg a day.  Or even better yet, but eat the nuts and seeds.

So there you have it, 2 days and 7 ways of how to lose weight, tone up and get some great vitamins and minerals into your body.  In addition, they are helpful in building muscle and keeping your body strong!

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Eric Moldenhauer

“Punching Fat in the Gut!”

Eric Moldenhauer

4 Tips on How to Lose Weight and Tone Up

Keeping with the trend of how to lose weight with the year coming to a close, here are 4 tips that you can use to get you started.  But before we do, there a few things that you need to be aware of.

I know How to Lose Weight!  Just reduce calories, right?

how to lose weight

First of all, calories aren’t the only things that count when it comes to a smoking body!  If you aren’t eating the right nutrients and minerals, you aren’t going to slim down or build those strong, sexy muscles.

See, every time you put your body through a workout, you’re actually breaking down your muscles, causing small tears in the fibers. When you’re resting, your body rebuilds your muscles.  But in order do so, they need the proper fuel, or minerals and vitamins. Follow the pros’ recommendations and you’ll see how to lose weight and feel a difference.

1. Vitamin C: Adding Vitamin C to your plate may help you add definition to your arms. Vitamin C, which is found in all fruits and vegetables, support the muscles’ needs for oxygen and nutrients.  And the more you have in your muscles, the better they can work and the quicker they recover. In addition, Vitamin C is a building block of collagen, a material that your body then uses to build bones and muscles.
How much? The National Institutes of Health recommends 75 mg daily, which you can get from a medium orange, half a red bell pepper, or a cup of strawberries.

2. Fish oil: This is one of my favorites.  Fish oil has the ability to enhance the effects of weight training by increasing blood flow to the muscles.  This, in turn, reduces muscle protein breakdown and decreases inflammation.  This leads to a faster recovery.  This omega 3 fatty acid is a sort of secret weapon for toning up. In addition, omega-3 fatty acids also improve insulin sensitivity, which helps aid in the prevention of diabetes.

How much? The American Heart Association recommends eating two 3.5-ounce servings of fatty fish (such as salmon, mackerel, herring, lake trout, sardines, or albacore tuna) each week. If fish isn’t your things, try 1,000- to 3,000-milligram (mg) supplement of DHA and EPA daily.

For those that are vegetarians and vegans, look for flax seed, chia seeds, hemp seeds, walnuts, and algae-based supplements.  This supplement offers so many ways that answer the question of how to lose weight and tone up!

So that’s how to lose weight!  Any more?

how to lose weight

3. Calcium: Calcium is one of the two most important nutrients our body needs for healthy and strong bones and muscles. For every time you lift a dumbbell, this mineral gives muscles the cue to contract and grow.

How much? It is recommended to consume 1,200 mg a day. You can get your daily dose through dairy products, green veggies, or a supplement. If you do decide on a pill, choose one with D, which your body needs to absorb calcium. Shoot for on with 500 to 600 mg of calcium for each pill, as your body can only take in that much at one time.

4. Magnesium: Most women don’t get enough of this mineral, which is not good, as it keeps things running smoothly when it comes to your muscles.  In particular, it ensures that your heart is thumping at a steady beat.  In addition, it helps alleviate muscle cramps and soreness, whether you’re achy from weight lifting or PMS.

How much? The National Institutes of Health recommends 310 to 320 mg a day.  However, there is no harm increasing your intake to 400 mg, especially if you are lifting weights a couple times a week. Great ways to get magnesium is in spinach, nuts, legumes, and whole grains.

Wow, I didn’t know those things could help  with how to lose weight

Just remember that no matter what we put into our body will help determine the ways on how to lose weight.  However, if you start adding in the nutrients and minerals listed above, this will give you a head start on toning up.  Tomorrow, we’ll talk about a few more things that you can do, so stay tuned.

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Eric Moldenhauer

“Punching Fat in the Gut!”

Eric Moldenhauer

Want to Know How to Lose Weight? Here are 5 More Ways to Rev Up Your Metabolism

Part 2 of How to Lose Weight.  In part 1, we covered 6 ways to rev up your metabolism and kick start your weight loss.  Today, I am going to provide 5 additional ways.

How to Lose Weight, part 2

how to lose weight

1. Carb Consumption

Stay away from processed, high sugar, junk food.  Stick to protein, which increases metabolism by 30 percent for up to 12 hours. Unlike most carbs, which only increase metabolism by 4 percent for less than one hour.

Also, be sure to add fiber, as it binds with metabolized fat and removes it from the body.

2. Detox Your Body

A detox done a few times a year is an effective way to clear toxins out of your system.  By doing this, you speed up metabolism and enhance overall health.

Just be careful and don’t do any extreme detox diets, as they can can do more harm than good.

3. Drink, then Drink Some More

Water really does a body good. If you want to know how to lose weight, this may be one of the best ways.  We should be drinking lots of water and other healthy, low-calories drinks, such as tea.  If your body is dehydrated, it will slow its metabolism and increase hunger and sluggishness.

You can also substitute your sugar-filled soft drink with soda water that has no flavor.

A few more ways to show you how to lose weight

how to lose weight

4. Drink Water With Lemon

Every morning, drink a tall glass of lukewarm water with a half or whole lemon squeezed into it.  You can also add some fiber as well.

The digestive enzymes in the lemon, plus the fiber, will get your metabolism and digestive system moving so you are easily digesting anything you eat later that day.  And better digestion = better metabolism = how to lose weight.

5. Eat Smaller Meals

If you haven’t heard it before, you’re gonna hear it now!  Eating smaller meals more often throughout the day will help you increase your metabolism as well as increase your fat-burning ability.

Try to consume at least three to four meals a day instead of only one to two times.  This will keep your metabolism going and make you feel less sluggish, like after a big meal.

So there are 5 more ways on How to Lose Weight and keep your metabolism going strong.

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Eric Moldenhauer

“Punching Fat in the Gut!”

Eric Moldenhauer

Want to Know How to Lose Weight? Here are 6 Ways to Rev Up Your Metabolism

Now that the holidays are coming to a close, I’ve been getting more questions on How to Lose Weight!  Well, let’s give your body a kick start and really get it going…

Here are 6 ways to rev up your metabolism and help answer the question of how to lose weight.

I just wanna know How to Lose Weight!

1. Proteins

Protein has a high thermic effect, which will help your body burn more calories. And when it comes to protein, include a lean protein source in every meal.  Protein will help you feel fuller longer and will reduce your craving to chow down on some fast-burning carbs.

Your best bet is to eat five to six mini meals per day and include a lean protein source such as beans, chicken, fish or peanut butter with every meal.  If you’re not able to do this, you can also grab some beef jerky as a substitute for a snack.

how to lose weight

2. Green Tea

Green tea is king when you want to know how to lose weight.  Stay away from soda, alcohol, and calorie-laden beverages.  They will leave you feeling bloated and fatigued, as well as adding unnecessary calories.

Drinking brewed green tea is an effective way to get EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), an ingredient known to speed up metabolism. Adding 3 cups of green tea a day can help increase metabolism by up to 10 percent.

3. EGCG Other Ways

If you’ve tried to like green tea and it’s just not your thing, there are other ways. As much as a few cups are day are helpful, an adequate amount to achieve really good results would require about six to 10 cups per day.

So another way to get your daily amount is to take a couple of green tea capsules per day. Be sure to look for supplements that contain at least 70 percent EGCG.

4. Workout

If you want to know how to lose weight, this is probably one of the BEST things that you can do.  And don’t be intimidated, everyone there started somewhere.  The main thing is that you go.  This will help to establish healthy fitness habits.

The consistency in an exercise program will help you lose weight and stay on a healthy path going forward.

Great ideas on how to lose weight, give me more…

how to lose weight

5. Salmon

Salmon is an Omega-3 powerhouse full of protein and healthy fats.  Salmon is also great for burning fat and it will help to make your metabolism more effective by slowing digestion and preventing cravings.

Many people tend to avoid salmon because they think it is a fatty fish, which it is.  But its these healthy fats that our body needs.

6. Olive Oil

Many still don’t believe it, but if you want to know how to lose weight, some oil is good for weight loss.  Because olive oil is a healthy fat, it will “turn on” your metabolism and help you burn more body fat.

To get more of it, add a little to your salad, saute vegetables in it and if you have a small piece of bread, use olive oil instead of butter.

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Eric Moldenhauer

“Punching Fat in the Gut!”

Eric Moldenhauer

How to Lose Weight during the Holidays in 3 steps

How to lose weight during the holidays?  Most people are happy by just not gaining weight.  Well, I say bring it on!  For many this is the time of  high-calorie foods and drinks.  And if that is how you’ve approached this magical time of year, you’re not alone.

Most people lose sight of their fitness and fat loss goals entirely this month, only to have a rude awakening when their clothes are snug come January.  And then they struggle on how to lose weight once the holidays are over.

Ok smarty, tell me how to lose weight during the holidays!

If you really want to dropkick those holiday pounds, stick with these 3 steps:

how to lose weight

Step #1: Re-Focus

The main focus in many of our holiday traditions is food.  Cakes, cookies, sweets, etc.  So this holiday season re-focus your attention away from food.  Focus on what’s really important, which are your friends & family. Stay focused on the reason for the holidays instead of the plate full of sweets in front of you. It’s ok to sample some, but don’t go overboard.

What a lot of people do during the time is lose sight of their dieting goals. The last thing you want to do is undo all of the progress that you’ve made leading up to the holidays. The holidays can be a time of emotional eating for many and many use that as an excuse.  This can also lead to stress, family conflict and depression.  If this happens, try to address the root of your problems with solutions other than food or drink.

Your body will thank you for it and you won’t be wondering how to lose weight if yo focus during this time.

Step #2: Strategy

This may sound a little crazy, but you need a strategy when approaching the numerous celebrations. With so many parties and events, you’ll need to pace yourself in order to keep yourselft on track.  The most effective strategy is to not arrive at the party hungry.  Before you go, eat a small low-calorie snack to prevent overeating. If you need  some extra help, wear tight-fitting clothes!  Sounds crazy, but it works.

During the party, don’t stand right next to the food table.  And before you get a plate of food, choose wisely.  Try using a small plate instead of a large dinner plate and don’t go back for seconds!  If you feel hungry later, you can always grab another small plate and repeat the process.

And if you want to know another great strategy on how to lose weight, figure out how to get in the gym between parties.  Many people stop going and just figure they’ll start up again after the holidays.  Stick to your normal schedule and you won’t have to fight off the extra weight trying to pile up on your midsection and rear end.

Last step on how to lose weight

how to lose weight

Step #3: Moderation!

It would be foolish to think that you will deprive yourself of all the foods you love, I know I won’t be.  Plus, this would likely lead to a spurge at some point and ruins all your efforts.  However, be smart about what you choose to eat. Enjoy what others are offering, but in moderation.

Bonus Tip:  You can cut back on calories by limiting your cheeses, gravy, sauces, creams, and nuts.

I understand that some of these great foods only come around once a year, making you want to overindulge.  But instead of stuffing yourself, look at what foods are available and make smart choices. Indulge in those things you don’t normally have and leave the basic dishes for another time (eg. mashed potatoes, candy, etc.).

Don’t just eat something because it’s on the buffet.  And be be sure to limit the amount of alcoholic beverages you drink. I know they are tasty but they’re filled with empty calories.

That was some cool stuff on how to lose weight!

The holidays can be a time for joy and a time for cheer.  But follow these simple steps and you will avoid holiday weight gain.  You may even continue to lose weight – how cool would that be!  Then you’ll be the poster child for someone who can enjoy the holidays and still keep their figure.  Then you can pass along your tips on how to lose weight.

A final point I want to make is that exercise is a huge part of the equation, so remember what was stated above and stay on your current program (or start one now, not after the holidays).  Start 2014 off ahead of the game!

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Eric Moldenhauer

“Punching Fat in the Gut!”

Eric Moldenhauer

How To Lose Weight: 3 Tips You Can Use Right Now

You want to know How to Lose Weight?  We are always searching for a quick way so here are 3 tips that you can use right now.

If I knew how to lose weight, I wouldn’t be here…

Believe me, I know that, so let’s get right down to the info.  Check out this quick video, which I will go into more detail below.

So there you have it, 3 quick tips on How to Lose Weight in under 3 minutes!  Now, let’s go into a little further detail on what was presented in the video.

Recap on How to Lose Weight

1.  Stay away from Bread.  Although there are some healthier breads out there, most of them are still filled with too many carbs, sugars and preservatives and gluten.  So a good way to drop some pounds is to stay away from bread.  However, if you do decide to add bread back into your diet (slowly), try gluten free.

2.  Stay away from Sugar.  I’ve said a hundred times and I’ll say it a hundred more.  Sugar is the enemy.  It is addictive, causes mood changes, disrupts our system and cause a slew of other conditions.  No need to freak out if you put a spoonful in your coffee, but stay away from the cakes, cookies, and desserts, which are loaded with it.  I’ve mentioned using Stevia, but also consider Organic Agave Nectar as an alternative.

3.  Eat Protein and Veggies.  Focus on lean meats such as chicken, turkey, fish.  You can also add in beans and peas as well.  For veggies, the only one I would suggest to stay away from is corn.  However, anything green and leafy will be full of vitamins and great way to lose weight.  They can be filling and not add a lot of calories.

how to lose weight

How to lose weight – Now you have 3 ways

Just know that these are just some tips you can use right now when asking the question of “How to Lose Weight“.  There are many other ways, and I will continue to add more information to help you out.

Just be sure to stick to healthy foods, follow the 3 tips above and add in some workouts.  All of these combined will be beneficial on losing weight.

To your health –

Eric Moldenhauer

“Punching Fat in the Gut!”

Eric Moldenhauer